Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sweet Potatoes make it all better!

What a good Sunday! I made an amazing crock pot meal - possibly the easiest meal I have cooked all week =-). I did all the prep work around 8am and enjoyed dinner at 6! I had not realized that sweet potatoes are harder to cut the normal potatoes - my poor hand hurt like the dickens! They are considerably easier to peel =-).

My sister and her two children joined us for dinner tonight - the youngest (Randy 3 and Jeni 2) had PB&J's after staring wild eyed at the stew in their bowls! My annoying, yet sweet younger brother (Henry 11) made them the wonderful sandwiches - which they devoured! My sister, my brother and I loved the stew which consisted of sweet potatoes, gold potatoes, chicken, carrots and seasonings. My daughter tried it once and then ate some tuna fish later. Can't win them all now can we? I even have leftovers for lunch - yum! =-)

Here's hoping we do not get the predicted snow fall!!

1 comment:

  1. You're being so good about keeping this unique version of a food journal! Go you!!!!
