Friday, January 28, 2011

Mushrooms and Shrimp....oh my!

My daughter agreed to retry Mushrooms tonight - she sits on the floor next to me with one precariously perch on a fork breathing heavy. " goes nothing".....gag, gag and she runs from the room as theatrical as possible. She may have a career someday. She is now proceeding to down water as if it will wash away the memory of the nasty fungus she inflicted upon herself!

I, personally, love mushrooms! Tonight we had the joy of making Shrimp & Mushroom stir fry - well I had the joy =-). My lovely sweet Rosie won the job of peeling and deveining  the raw shrimp. After 30 minutes and all other prep was completed I joined her. My favorite part of the whole evening was listening to my darling screech and moan as she peeled and cut the innards from dead shrimp. She spoke to them "I am sooo sorry poor shrimp, but I love you cooked." "eewwwww, your so slimy and gross." "WHAT JUST TOUCHED ME???" I could barely contain my laughter. Such a girlie girl. Then as I sauteed the shrimp, mushrooms and green onion (with garlic) she made the rice =-). it turned out very good. Although I may NEVER buy raw tail on, shell on shrimp again. Dinner at 9:30 is just sad!     


  1. hahah, that is funny. Rose is so silly!!

  2. After watching you reenact it for me, I can totally see her doing that! I swear her and I are related.....

  3. I can't stop least it didn't still have it's head!

    Okay I was going to suggest the raw, peeled & deveined tail off for stir-fry. Just thaw it under cold running water and then saute. The cooked shrimp can get tough and rubbery in warm dishes.

  4. Bunny...Where do you buy that? All I could find was shell on and tail on Raw shrimp! *lol* It was quite amusing in the kitchen and while she was trying the fungi =-p.
